Advocate Volunteers
"The lawyers know the statutes; the social workers the regulations. But the CASA volunteer is assigned to know the child, one child at a time."
Anna Quindlen, author

Who are CASA Volunteers?
Court Appointed Special Advocate volunteers are members of the community- like you!
In cases of child abuse or neglect, CASA volunteers are the Judge's eyes and ears outside of court, and the child's voice in the courtroom
They work independent of, but in collaboration with, the Department of Human Services and attorneys, ensuring that the needs of the child are not overlooked in the complex system of child welfare
What do CASA Volunteers do?
CASA volunteers meet with the child, their family, and all adults that help shape the child's world
CASA volunteers read all court documents and case notes
From their reading, meetings, and observations, the CASA volunteer makes recommendations to the judge about what is in the best interest of the child
Why is this work so important?
We believe that every child deserves a safe and stable home
We know that children on this path have better outcomes when they have a consistent and caring adult to walk alongside them every step of the way and advocate on their behalf
We support family preservation and understand that it is in the best interests for children to rejoin their family as soon as safely possible, whenever possible
We recruit, screen, train, and support volunteers who:
understand the value of family history and connections
are sensitive to barriers that trauma experiences introduce
are culturally mindful
are committed to our mission to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children under the jurisdiction of the court
are driven to work collaboratively to help children connect with tools to process trauma, rebuild trust, and regain a sense of safety
become knowledgeable about the array of services available to help families reunite stronger & safer

All CASA Volunteers are Required to:
Be at least 21 years old
Have a background free of violent crimes and crimes against children
Have good communication skills
Maintain confidentiality
Preferred qualities include:
A knowledge of child development and family relations
An ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing
Ability to be objective and respectful
Keen observation skills
Have more questions?
Email us at
Ready to apply?
Fill out your application by clicking here
Download our ne applicant packet:
Steps to becoming a CASA volunteer
Understanding the Statute
Volunteer Job Description
Pre-Service Training Schedule
ODHS Background Check
Thank you for starting your journey to make a difference in the life of a child!
Non-Advocate Volunteers
​For those that want to be involved but don’t have the ability to make the commitment of a court appointed special advocate, there are other ways to volunteer your time to this important work!
Non-advocate volunteer opportunities include, but are not limited to:

office support

